The webcam is an investment and commitment that WCWD has made in showcasing the environmental benefits of ricelands and working landscapes of northern California to millions of waterfowl and shorebirds.
There are not many places in the world where people can view the beauty of the winter waterfowl migration and we are fortunate to live in the middle of it all. The webcam is operational 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year. The peak of the bird action begins in November and runs through January in this particular field; please come back and visit during groundwork beginning in April and harvest in August/September. The WCWD Board of Directors, staff and landowners hope you enjoy your time visiting our piece of the world.
For more information on waterfowl and California ricelands please visit and for more information on northern California water resource management visit Northern Ca Water Association at
Please contact Anjanette Shadley for additional information on WCWD and the WCWD webcam.